Do I Need a Coat for My Baby

Do babies need coats?

(40 Posts)

AidanTheRevengeNinja Wed 20-Nov-13 16:39:23

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

SmilesandSunshine Wed 20-Nov-13 16:40:13

Yes of course he needs a coat.

ChoudeBruxelles Wed 20-Nov-13 16:40:55

GwendolineMaryLacey Wed 20-Nov-13 16:42:26

Yes, he needs a coat but also lots of layers rather than one of those stupid big snowsuits that they can't move in...unless it's actually snowing of course smile

MummyofIsla Wed 20-Nov-13 16:43:19

I preferred a full puffy suit but either way of course your baby needs something warmer than a fleece or hoodie, are you mad?! hmm

humphryscorner Wed 20-Nov-13 16:43:33

I have a stokee with the winter set which completly cocoons from the elements. She also has fur lined seat liner so if I put coat on and winter set dd would be sweating.

If your dc is exposed then yes a proper coat is needed.

NellyBluth Wed 20-Nov-13 16:44:14

Yes, especially when it's cold. Tiny babies you can wrap in lots of blankets, but babies who can sit up probably won't put up with a blanket wrapped all around them. Picture how many layers you are wearing, and how cold you are even while walking with the pushchair - and then imagine sitting still in that cold.

At his age they do grow quickly so I'd just buy a coat from a supermarket range or Primark etc. And yes, they do like to scream blue murder sometimes when you try and shoehorn them into a coat, but sadly being safely warm is non-negotiable!

humphryscorner Wed 20-Nov-13 16:44:38

Dd does where fleece jacket too though and too blankets with hat '

fieldfare Wed 20-Nov-13 16:45:08

Of course he needs a coat.
It's freezing outside and it's only going to get colder over the next few months. And he'll get used to wearing it soon enough, so don't worry about the crying.

GwendolineMaryLacey Wed 20-Nov-13 16:46:09

I was just thinking that Nelly. I'm not a cold creature, I'm too bloody fat grin but even I had the full coat, scarf, gloves combo on today. The thought of sitting still in that biting wind makes me want to run for the hot chocolate!

Artandco Wed 20-Nov-13 16:47:10

Depends on footmuff. The bugaboo one goes up to their neck for example so fine with a fleece and hat as everything under footmuff/ sheepskin.

FruitSaladIsNotPudding Wed 20-Nov-13 16:48:38

Yes! My dd is in snowsuit/puffy coat + fleece footmuff + sheepskin in this weather. They are just sitting there so they won't warm themselves up.

Sirzy Wed 20-Nov-13 16:49:06

He either needs a coat/pram suit type thing or lots of layers/blankets etc to cover his upper body as well as his lower body.

PeazlyPops Wed 20-Nov-13 16:49:14

Yes, definitely!

As another poster said, if you are cold in a coat, whilst pushing a pushchair, imagine how cold a baby would be without a coat, sat still!

AidanTheRevengeNinja Wed 20-Nov-13 16:51:51

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

AidanTheRevengeNinja Wed 20-Nov-13 16:53:09

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

MummyofIsla Wed 20-Nov-13 16:54:27

As other posters have said I would check out Asda or Tesco, they do
fab coats and when they are growing so quick you don't want to spend a fortune.

Oh and don't feel embarrassed, we were all clueless first timers once

GwendolineMaryLacey Wed 20-Nov-13 16:58:04

Yes, no coats in car seat. I had a car seat footmuff which was fab but it did and still does drive me crazy taking the coat on and off like a yoyo!

Minnieisthedevilmouse Wed 20-Nov-13 16:59:08

If u wear one outside why wouldn't your child?

I really can't believe you are asking this!

FruitSaladIsNotPudding Wed 20-Nov-13 17:02:32

I put a fleece on dd in the car seat, plus something on her feet over her tights. Then blanket on top which comes off once the heating is working.

AidanTheRevengeNinja Wed 20-Nov-13 17:03:48

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

AidanTheRevengeNinja Wed 20-Nov-13 17:05:14

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

DeathMetalMum Wed 20-Nov-13 17:07:09

Dd has a soft padded jacket similar to this with the same as your ds gloves, hat and fleece footmuff. She usually has something like vest, (long sleeve) long sleeve tshirt, dungarees/dress then tights. I usually put extra socks/slipper socks om her feet when we go out. When it gets a bit colder she will probably wear a snowsuit.

DeathMetalMum Wed 20-Nov-13 17:09:43

Oh I picked up dd's jacket from the charity shop, she is still growiing so fast widthways it probably won't fit come christmass even though I have the sleeves rolled up twice currently.

MummyLuce Fri 22-Nov-13 22:07:34

Just want to say that people on here are being really quite horrid to the OP. when my DD was 8 months I used to always have questions like this, it's not that bloody obvious. And actually, yes when its really really cold I'd put a coat on her but one if my real annoyances is seeing babies all gloved and hatted and wrapped up when it's really not that cold. Super precious and soooo annoying.

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Do I Need a Coat for My Baby


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